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Honorary Advisor Profile:

Dr. R. Balasubramanian


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Dr. R. Balasubramanian obtained his B.E., M.Sc. (Engg.) and Ph.D. degrees from Madras University, Annamalai University and IIT Kanpur, all in Electrical Engineering, in the years 1968, 1970 and 1976 respectively. After serving in B.H.E.L. (Projects Engineering Division, New Delhi) during 1975-79, he joined IIT Delhi in the Centre for Energy Studies, where he occupied various positions and retired as a Professor (Higher Academic Grade) in 2012.


And also chair professor of NTPC, the responsibilities of this Chair being to be in-charge of the special NTPC fully sponsored M.Tech Programme in “Power Generation Technology” jointly run by the Mechanical Engg. And Electrical Engg. Departments of IIT Delhi for NTPC engineers and to liaison with NTPC in their R&D; activities.

He was a Visiting Professor at the University of Newcastle, Australia from August 1991 to August 1992 and also was a Visiting Faculty at the University of Calgary, Canada during the summer of 1982.

He has executed successfully some major consultancy/sponsored research projects for organizations such as NTPC (R&D;), BHEL, Easun Reyrolles, Siemens, Wartsila , World Bank, MNRE and CBI&P.;


His areas of research include Power System Planning, Operation & Control, Energy System Modeling & Management, and Power from Non-conventional Energy Sources including Energy Storage Devices. He has guided 20 Ph.D. Theses at IIT Delhi and published over 150 research papers in various National and International Journals & Conferences of repute.

He served as the Chairman of the IEEE Delhi Section during the years 2000 & 2001 and in the Executive Committees of the Section & PES Chapter for a number of years. He also served as the Chairman of the IEEE Hyderabad PES/IAS/PELS Joint Chapter during the years 2014 & 2015.

He served as an Expert Committee Member in the National Committee formed by the Government of India, Planning Commission to formulate the activities and projects to be taken up in the12th Five Year Plan period in the Power Sector R & D in India.

He was awarded the IEEE PES Chapter "Outstanding Engineer" award for the year 2005, in recognition of his outstanding contributions to Power Engineering Education by the IEEE PES-IAS Delhi Chapter.

He is currently a Senior Professor in the GNISTS, Hyderabad.

Contact Details: toodi.ravi@gmail.com

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