NSSS provides PCI recognition to degree pharmacy colleges and pharm-D establishment services successfully since 1998 in India

NSSS provides PCI recognition to degree pharmacy colleges and pharm-D establishment consultancy services successfully since 1998 in India


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The Pharmacy education and profession in India upto graduate level is regulated by the PCI, a statutory body governed by the provisions of the Pharmacy Act, 1948 passed by the Parliament.

The Pharmacy Act 1948 was enacted on 4.3.48 with the following preamble- "An Act to regulate the profession of pharmacy. Whereas it is expedient to make better provision for the regulation of the profession and practice of pharmacy and for that purpose to constitute Pharmacy Councils".

The PCI was constituted on 9.8.49 under section 3 of the Pharmacy Act.


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Regulation of the Pharmacy Education in the Country for the purpose of registration as a pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act.

Regulation of Profession and Practice of Pharmacy.

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To prescribe minimum standard of education required for qualifying as a pharmacist. (Ref.: section 10 of the Pharmacy Act)

Framing of Education Regulations prescribing the conditions to be fulfilled by the institutions seeking approval of the PCI for imparting education in pharmacy. (Ref.: section 10 of the Pharmacy Act)

To ensure uniform implementation of the educational standards through out the country. (Ref. : section 10 of the Pharmacy Act)

Inspection of Pharmacy Institutions seeking approval under the Pharmacy Act to verify availability of the prescribed norms. (Ref.: section 16 of the Pharmacy Act)

To approve the course of study and examination for pharmacists i.e. approval of the academic training institutions providing pharmacy courses. (Ref. : section 12 of the Pharmacy Act)

To withdraw approval, if the approved course of study or an approved examination does not continue to be in conformity with the educational standards prescribed by the PCI. (Ref.: section 13 of the Pharmacy Act)

To approve qualifications granted outside the territories to which the Pharmacy Act extends i.e. the approval of foreign qualification. (Ref. : section 14 of the Pharmacy Act)

To maintain Central Register of Pharmacists. (Ref. : section 15 A of the Pharmacy Act)

Note: Authority for Concurrence of Approval (for Establishment) to Pharm-D course as an additional course in PCI approved pharmacy (B.pharm) Institutions .


For more details contact : nsss.pci@gmail.com

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