NSSS offers services for UGC – AUTONOMUS:

                                                                ONE-DAY MOCK VISIT SCHEDULE

                Time                                                                                 Activity
     09:00 – 10:00   Principal PPT Presentation
     10:00 - 10:30   Academic reputation and previous performance in University examinations
     10:30 – 11:15   Co-curricular and extension activities
     11:15 – 11:40   Academic/extension/research achievements of the faculty
     11:40 - 12:00   Quality and merit in the selection of students and teachers
     12:00 - 12:30   Adequacy of infrastructure
     12:30 – 13:00   Quality of institutional management
     13:00 – 13:30   Financial resources provided by the Management/ State Government for the development of the College/ Institute
     13:30-13:45   Responsiveness of the administrative structure
     13:45 – 14:00   Motivation and involvement of faculty in the promotion of innovative reforms
     14:00 – 14:30   Lunch
     14:30 – 16:00   Meeting with programme coordinator/Head of the Department
    • Aims and objectives
    • Management of the College
    • Governance plan indicating the proposed institutional Structure
    • Student admissions policy and plan
    • Curricular aspects
    • Student feedback system
    • Internal assessment
    • External assessment
     16:00 – 17:30   Meeting with programme coordinator/Head of the Department
    • Financing plan, with details of the sources
    • Academic plan showing the courses proposed and their schedule of offering
    • Faculty recruitment policy and plan to meet the academic plan requirements
    • In case of Science & Technology subjects, research plan indicating the research laboratories and other facilities
proposed to be established .
    • In case of Humanities and Social Science, research plan indicating the broad areas and nature of field work and
research sought to be done
    • Co-curricular and extra-curricular activities
    • Networking plan outlining the teaching and research collaborations and partnerships proposed
    • Infrastructure development plan that would meet the proposed academic and admissions plan as well as all
student and other amenities
     17:30 – 18:00   Exit Meeting
     18:00 – 18:30   Mock Team Exit Meeting
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