NSSS offers services for National Board of Accreditation (NBA)

                                                                ONE-DAY MOCK VISIT SCHEDULE

                Time                                                                                 Activity
     09:00–09:05   NBA mock team to be received by University/Institutional representatives
     09:05 - 09:50   Presentation on University/Institution by dean/head of the institution
     • Overview on governance, organizational structure, academic infrastructure
     • Institutional financial resources and their effective utilization for continuous quality improvement
     • Academic support units and their contributions to the programs
     • Overview on recent developments in education delivery, mentoring and learning facilities
     • Q&A; on the issues common to all Programmes
     09:50 - 10:45   Tour of basic science and engineering laboratories, language laboratory and career guidance facilities by Team A*
  Tour of library, hostel facilities, sports facilities and other amenities by Team B*
     10:45 – 11:15   Observe lecture and tutorial in progress
     11:15 – 12:15   Presentation on Department Overview and UG (……….) programme by Head of the Department / Programme
    • Programme Educational Objectives, participation of constituents, level of implementation
    • Overview on Course content delivery, Course outcome assessment and evaluation methods
    • Overview on Assessment and Evaluation of Programme Outcomes
    • Curriculum design and revision, and Programme specific criteria
    • Academic performance of students, participation in professional activities and their achievements
    • Faculty development and research activities
     12:15 – 13:15   Tour of laboratory facilities, computing facilities, department library etc. relevant to the programme
  Interview with concerned faculty / staff to evaluate:
    • The laboratory facilities to conduct the curricular practical courses
    • Availability of adequate technical supporting staff
    • Adequacy of well-furnished lecture/tutorial/seminar halls to run the programme
     13:15 – 14:00   Review of Final year project report to evaluate their relevance to Programme Outcomes
     14:00 – 14:30   Lunch
     14:30 – 15:00   Interview with students to evaluate,
    • effectiveness of Content delivery and assessment methods
    • participation in professional society activities / Club activities
    • Any other issues identified by the PEs related accreditation criteria
     15:00 – 16:15   Meeting with Programme Coordinator, Course Coordinator etc.
    • Evaluation of Content delivery methods and Course outcomes towards attainment of POs
    • Improvements in the course content, delivery and assessment methods based on level of attainment of COs and POs
     16:15 - 16:45   Interview with faculty members to evaluate:
    • Faculty competency against programme specific criteria
    • Updating of faculty domain knowledge
    • Faculty research, consultancy and Knowledge transfer
    • Documents pertained to faculty profile, faculty contributions etc.
    • Any other issues identified by the PEs related accreditation criteria
     16:45 – 18:00   Meeting with programme coordinator/Head of the Department
    • Documents pertained to student academic performance, student accomplishments etc.
  Interview with faculty/Board of studies /advisory board to evaluate
    • Level of involvement of stakeholders in the programme development
    • Consistency of PEOs with the mission of the department
    • Level of Contributions of industry to programme
  Interview with sampled students (academic performance) to evaluate,
    • Level of attainment of knowledge skills and attitudes
     18:00 – 18:30   Mock Team Exit Meeting
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