NSSS provides Autonomous establishment services successfully since 1998 in India

NSSS provides Autonomous establishment consultancy services successfully since 1998 in India



a. Academic reputation and previous performance in university examinations and its academic/co-curricular/extension activities in the past.

b. Academic/extension achievements of the faculty.

c. Quality and merit in the selection of students and teachers, subject to statutory requirements in this regard

d. Adequacy of infrastructure, for example, library, equipment, accommodation for academic activities, etc.

e. Quality of institutional management. (f) Financial resources provided by the management/state government for the development of the institution.

f. Responsiveness of administrative structure. (h) Motivation and involvement of faculty in the promotion of innovative reforms.

g. Self – Financing colleges can also apply for autonomy after they have completed minimum 10 years of existence. However, conferment of autonomy will not entitle them to receive autonomy grant. They will have to follow the same procedure as applicable to other colleges.

h. Colleges that provide professional courses in Education, Engineering Technology Management and Physical Education, etc. will also be eligible to receive grants from the Commission. The sanction of such grants will depend on the size and stage of development of these colleges after attaining autonomous status.

For more details contact : nsss.atms@gmail.com

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